Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Are you having difficulties sleeping ?

Are you having difficulties sleeping ?

Do you suffer from difficulties in sleep Here are some natural ways recommended by the experts and can lead you to sleep well and quiet .. You start reading and understanding required .. We hope you Sleep Well ...

Stand on one leg

He tried to stand on one leg for 30 seconds Movement may be strange, but useful When you focus your attention on keeping your balance is your brain also leaves aside all the functions The focus of this movement The result is that your mind more comfortable and relaxed and more clarity So when lay in bed asleep quickly يغلبك

Calcium intake
The researchers found that calcium works to relax the nervous system
And it helps to sleep at 50% and also makes you Tnom soundly
We must therefore take a cup of warm milk before going to sleep
If you do not like dairy products, try to eat 1000 mg of calcium supplements just one hour before bedtime

Stop breathing
Once lay on the bed Take a deep breath and stopped breathing for 10 seconds He repeated these e movement several times
Studies have shown that this movement reduces the activity of brain waves and make it up to levels that normally occurs in the early stages before going to sleep

Massage Akaddmyin

The mere pressure on the soles of your toes for 30 seconds will help you to enter into a stage of sleep quickly
The reason is that the soles of the toes of the feet is directly linked with the brain The process of encouraging them to lead you to calm and relax

The smell of perfume

The study by the University "and Yaling Jesawit" in "Virginia," that the smell of jasmine helps to sleep more than any other smell
The studies found that exposure to Jasmine did not make patients only enter the sleep faster than those exposed to lavender perfume or who were not exposed to any fragrance .. But also, and found they were more actively during the day

Muscle twitch
Studies have shown that muscle strain five times and relax
Helps you to fall asleep because it requires you to focus your attention in a part of your body every time Thing that liberates the body from the effort and make it in the case of relaxation

Source unknown

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